Conjugate gradients for the normal equation#

class EarlyStopping.ConjugateGradients(design, response, critical_value=None, starting_value=None, true_signal=None, true_noise_level=None, interpolation=False, computation_threshold=1e-08)#

[Source] Conjugate gradients algorithm applied to the normal equation of a linear model


design: array. nxp design matrix of the linear model.

response: array. n-dim vector of the observed data in the linear model.

true_signal: array or None, default = None. p-dim vector. For simulation purposes only. For simulated data the true signal can be included to compute additional quantities.

true_noise_level: float or None, default = None. For simulation purposes only. Corresponds to the standard deviation of normally distributed noise contributing to the response variable.

critical_value: array or None, default = None. Critical value for the early stopping rule.

starting_value: array or None, default = None. Determines the zeroth step of the iterative procedure. Defaults to the zero vector.

interpolation: boolean, default = False. If interpolation is set to True, the early stopping iteration index can be noninteger valued.

computation_threshold: float, default = 10 ** (-8). Threshold used to terminate the conjugate gradients algorithm.


sample_size: int. Sample size of the linear model.

parameter_size: int. Parameter size of the linear model.

iter: int. Current conjugate gradient iteration of the algorithm.

conjugate_gradient_estimate: array. Conjugate gradient estimate at the current iteration for the data given in design and response.

early_stopping_index: int or float or None. Early Stopping iteration index. Is set to None if no early stopping is performed.

residuals: array. Lists the sequence of the squared residuals between the observed data and the conjugate gradient estimator.

strong_empirical_errors: array. Only exists if true_signal was given. Lists the values of the strong empirical error between the conjugate gradient estimator and the true signal up to the current conjugate gradient iteration.

weak_empirical_errors: array. Only exists if true_signal was given. Lists the values of the weak empirical error between the conjugate gradient estimator and the true signal up to the current conjugate gradient iteration.


iterate(number_of_iterations = 1)

Performs number_of_iterations of the conjugate gradients algorithm.


Stops the conjugate gradients algorithm based on the discrepancy principle.


Gathers all relevant simulation data.


Calculates the interpolated squared residual(s) at a(n array of) noninteger index (indices).


Calculates the interpolated strong empirical error(s) at a(n array of) noninteger index (indices).


Calculates the interpolated weak empirical error(s) at a(n array of) noninteger index (indices).


Calculates the strong and weak empirical oracle indices and errors.


Performs number_of_iterations of the conjugate gradients algorithm.


number_of_iterations: int, default = 1. Number of conjugate gradients iterations to be performed.


Early stopping for the conjugate gradient procedure based on the discrepancy principle. Procedure is stopped when the squared residuals go below critical_value or iteration max_iter is reached.


max_iter: int. The maximum number of iterations to be performed.


Gathers all relevant simulation data (runs the algorithm till max_iter) but tracks the early stopping index and the associated conjugate gradient estimate.


max_iter: int. The maximum number of iterations to be performed.


Calculates the interpolated squared residual at a possibly noninteger iteration index. The function is vectorized such that arrays of indices can be inserted.


index: array or float. Index or array of indices where the interpolated squared residual(s) should be calculated.


Calculates the interpolated strong empirical error at a possibly noninteger iteration index. The function is vectorized such that arrays of indices can be inserted.


index: array or float. Index or array of indices where the interpolated error(s) should be calculated.


Calculates the interpolated weak empirical error at a possibly noninteger iteration index. The function is vectorized such that arrays of indices can be inserted.


index: array or float. Index or array of indices where the interpolated error(s) should be calculated.


Calculates the strong and weak empirical oracles. Returns a vector, where the first (third) entry is the strong (weak) empirical oracle and the second (fourth) entry is the corresponding strong (weak) empirical error.


max_iter: int. The maximum number of iterations to be performed.