L2-boosting for high-dimensional linear models#

class EarlyStopping.L2_boost(design, response, true_signal=None)#

[Source] L2-boosting algorithm for high dimensional linear models.


design: array. nxp-Design matrix of the linear model.

response: array. n-dim vector of the observed data in the linear model.

true_signal: array or None, default = None. For simulation purposes only. For simulated data the true signal can be included to compute theoretical quantities such as the bias and the mse alongside the boosting procedure.


sample_size: int. Sample size of the linear model.

parameter_size: int. Parameter size of the linear model.

iter: int. Current boosting iteration of the algorithm.

boost_estimate: array. Boosting estimate at the current iteration for the data given in design.

residuals: array. Lists the sequence of the residual mean of squares betwean the data and the boosting estimator.

bias2: array. Only exists if true_signal was given. Lists the values of the squared bias up to current boosting iteration.

stoch_error: array. Only exists if true_signal was given. Lists the values of a stochastic error term up to current boosting iteration.

mse: array. Only exists if true_signal was given. Lists the values of the mean squared error betwean the boosting estimator and the true signal up to current boosting iteration.


iterate( number_of_iterations=1 )

Performs number of iterations of the boosting algorithm.

predict( design_observation )

Predicts the response based on the current boosting estimate.

discrepancy_stop( crit, max_iter )

Stops the boosting algorithm based on the discrepancy principle.

residual_ratio_stop( max_iter, alpha=0.05, K=1.2 )

Stops the boosting algorithm based on the residual ratios.


Computes a noise estimate for the model via the scaled lasso.


Computes the minimizer of a high dimensional Akaike criterion.


Iterates the boosting algorithm up to the balanced oracle.


Performs number_of_iterations iterations of the orthogonal boosting algorithm.


number_of_iterations: int. Number of boosting iterations to be performed.


Predicts the output variable based on the current boosting estimate.


input_variable: array. The size of input_variable has to match parameter_size.

L2_boost.discrepancy_stop(crit, max_iter)#

Early stopping for the boosting procedure based on the discrepancy principle. Procedure is stopped when the residuals go below crit or iteration max_iter is reached.


crit: float. Critical value for the early stopping procedure.

max_iter: int. Maximal number of iterations to be performed.

L2_boost.residual_ratio_stop(max_iter, alpha=0.05, K=1.2)#

Stops the algorithm based on a residual ration criterion.


alpha: float. accuracy level

K: float. Constant for the definition.

max_iter: int. Maximal number of iterations to be performed.


Computes an estimator for the noise level sigma^2 of the model via the scaled Lasso.


K: float. Constant in the definition. Defaults to 1, which is the choice from the scaled Lasso paper.


Computes the iteration index minimizing a high dimensional Akaike criterion.


K: float. Constant in the definition. Defaults to 2, which is common in the literature.


Performs iterations of the orthogonal boosting algorithm until the balanced oracle index at which the squared bias is smaller than the stochastic error is reached.